
object Torrent(source)


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data class TorrentFileStat(val id: Int?, val path: String?, val length: Long?)
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data class TorrentRequest(val action: String, val hash: String = "", val link: String = "", val title: String = "", val poster: String = "", val data: String = "", val saveToDB: Boolean = false)
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data class TorrentStatus(var title: String, var poster: String, var data: String?, var timestamp: Long, var name: String?, var hash: String?, var stat: Int, var statString: String, var loadedSize: Long?, var torrentSize: Long?, var preloadedBytes: Long?, var preloadSize: Long?, var downloadSpeed: Double?, var uploadSpeed: Double?, var totalPeers: Int?, var pendingPeers: Int?, var activePeers: Int?, var connectedSeeders: Int?, var halfOpenPeers: Int?, var bytesWritten: Long?, var bytesWrittenData: Long?, var bytesRead: Long?, var bytesReadData: Long?, var bytesReadUsefulData: Long?, var chunksWritten: Long?, var chunksRead: Long?, var chunksReadUseful: Long?, var chunksReadWasted: Long?, var piecesDirtiedGood: Long?, var piecesDirtiedBad: Long?, var durationSeconds: Double?, var bitRate: String?, var fileStats: List<Torrent.TorrentFileStat>?, var trackers: List<String>?)


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suspend fun clearAll(): Boolean

Removes all torrents from the server, and returns if it is successful

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Cleans up both old aria2c files and newer go server, (even if the new is also self cleaning)

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suspend fun get(hash: String): Torrent.TorrentStatus

Gets all the metadata of a torrent, will throw if that hash does not exists

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suspend fun shutdown(): Boolean

Gracefully shutdown the server. should not be used because I am unable to start it again, and the stopTorrentServer() crashes the app

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Transforms a torrent link into a streamable link via the server